Shan: A Proud Mother
“After a long period of commercial sex work, I became pregnant for my girl-child, whose father I couldn’t find.” The challenging pregnancy made me hate my child even after...
While focusing on the impact and transformation created, reflecting through a girl’s journey and a single person’s experience is crucial in telling their story.
“Amplifying survivor voices in advocating for an end to CSEC and TIP”
“After a long period of commercial sex work, I became pregnant for my girl-child, whose father I couldn’t find.” The challenging pregnancy made me hate my child even after...
“I was very young and vulnerable when Rahab Uganda rescued me in 2005. Coming from a very dysfunctional family-sex hawking mother with almost no household and stable livelihood, my...
“Being raised by a single mother, our family was always lacking and unsatisfactory for my siblings and me.” In 2009, I fled from home to join my peers, who...
After losing her father in 2004, Kasandra Mary (a fictitious name) was exposed to instances of commercial sexual exploitation by her peers. To provide for her siblings and her...